Article in: Environment

26 March 2013

Baalbek, Lebanon: if electricity comes from carrots

On March 18th and 19th, at the UNESCO Palace in Beirut, two girls in red suit surprised the audience of the “EU – Lebanon Cooperation Days” with trays of fruit and vegetables: they were offering carrots, bananas, mandarins and apples and asked the skins and debris back. For every “bio-waste” entered in a container, a […]

25 February 2013

The cultivated biodiversity and the work of Vavilov

Long before E. Wilson introduced the word “biodiversity” in common language, many other thinkers, scientists, men and women of culture and action had placed the concept of biodiversity at the center of their attention. There is no tradition, culture or religion that has not reflected on the wealth represented by all the living beings that […]

28 January 2013

The nature reserve of Gilè: a world of wings

With over 200 species of birds found here, the National Reserve of Gilè in Mozambique is definitely considered to be a haven for “birdwachers”. Due to its diversity of environments, the reserve is home to species different from each other, related to the marshy areas and to the forest. COSV staff during the project “Community […]