Integral Management of Solid Waste in the canton of La Concordia and implementation of the Clean Development Mechanism to access the CER (Kyoto Protocol).

In order to contribute to a better life quality for the population of La Concordia, the project aim at improving technically, organizationally and operationally the Environmental Management Department in order to implement an integrated waste management system – classified by origin, in order to reduce the waste destined to Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas landfill.

The project include the following actions: promotion of informed consumption and separate collection of rubbish; construction of a recycling plant for the selection of organic rubbish to be recycled; training of plant staff and provision of adequate vehicles.

To fulfill the objectives it will be necessary also to start a sustainable and technically correct management of the landfill; this action will allow to accede to the economic benefits provided by Kyoto Protocol (carbon credit). The technological innovation and the alliance with specialized companies will allow the exploitation of methane formed in the landfill to produce energy to be sold to the National Energy Board.