Institutional Feeding Programs (IFP) for Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, Leprosy and Kalazar patients and caretakers

At Ayod Primary Health Center , in Jonglei State, patients hospitalized for diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and Kala Azar often lack of access to adequate food and are in need of nutritional support.

Together with Ayod County Health Departments, we started an Institutional Feeding Program at the Primary Health Center provide patients with medical and nutritional support, to save lives of vulnerable groups affected by TB, Kala-azar and other diseases.  Acute and general malnutrition cases affecting children under 5, and pregnant and lactating women are also treated.

In addition, for malnourished children and people suffering from tuberculosis, HIV / AIDS and Kala Azar and not included in treatment programs, the project intervenes with specific actions to improve the effectiveness of care received outside the hospital.