Improving the nutrition status of the most vulnerable and hard to reach groups (children <5, PLWs and KA/TB/HIV-AIDS patients) in Ayod County

In Ayod County, malnutrition is an emergency. A study conducted in 2013 showed that the majority of children suffer nutritional problems: parents and the community in general do not know how to adequately feed their children, there is a widespread deficiency of vitamin A and poor nutrition strengthens a significant co-presence of diseases such as measles, HIV and TB. Moreover, the 2013 rainy season has aggravated the already precarious presence of food in the county, with an increase in malnutrition cases, especially among children.

With this project, we aim at significantly reducing the spread and severity of malnutrition in children under five and mothers, and to make the entire community more aware of the risks caused by lack of food and hygiene.

We will ensure access to malnutrition preventive and treatment services, especially for children under the age of 5 years, pregnant and lactating women, sick and other vulnerable groups; we will create and support malnutrition departments in primary health care units within the County.

Support also means providing healthcare professionals with the tools to be able to deal with emergencies and problems related to malnutrition: awareness campaign will be therefore focal. Preparedness of health personnel will be increased, and the whole population will be involved to spread good hygiene practices that will help coping with common diseases. Proper nutrition will be crucial: through the encouragement of community participation, we will create support groups for mothers.

Monitoring of malnutrition in the County will be continuous, in order to inform the authorities and determine capillaries interventions to control the increase of issues that can arise from the lack of food.