COSV adheres to LINK2007 Accountability Charter

Accuracy and transparency in resources management and presentation of results achieved in development cooperation projects: these are the fundamental elements that Italian NGO adhering to LINK2007 network have taken on as their identity, culture and strategic vision.

To conform its activity and systems to international standards, European and South civil societies requests and main donors requirements, since several years LINK2007 has undertaken this path towards full accountability.

In June 2013, a conference was held in Rome to confront with representatives of political institutions and media on the best processes to convert the commitment into behaviors and documented and comparable practices. In October 14th, Link2007 Council met in Milan and unanimously approved the adoption of the Accountability Chart that commits all NGOs adhering to the network to conform to accountability principles, values and commitments therein expressed.

Among the general principles, the document states that accountability should be understood as a path to be achieved daily and not as a one-off quality certificate to acquire; that LINK2007 NGOs take on the legislative decree on the administrative liability of legal entities, companies and associations (231/2001) and on the legislative decree on the protection of health and safety in the workplaces (81/2008).

LINK2007 NGOs adopt organizational, legal and administrative criteria and models, with internal and external control and verification, effectiveness and impact of interventions assessment, results publication and activity information, and budgets and financial data systems.

This is a very central step in the actual process, where NGOs push to ensure international cooperation at the core of Italian and international political agenda.

For LINK2007 NGOs, this is a commitment to be taken first toward their organizations and operators, as well as donors, institutions, public opinion, governments and partners. LINK2007 Accountability Charter