Visit Zambezia: a website to enhance Eco-Tourism in Mozambique

Zambezia (Mozambique) is a Province very rich in nature, culture, traditions and passions. For COSV, to preserve these resources, valorise a synergic process of sustainable development is a first fundamental step.
In the framework of “Strengthen Financial Sustainability and Biodiversity in the National Reserve of Gilé” – funded by European Union to preserve Gilé National Reserve and populations living in its surrounding area – we’ve launched a website,, aiming at promoting the eco-touristic image of the Province, through its 10 Wonders, including the National Reserve.
Visit Zambezia will allow travellers from all over the world to discover the Province, navigating among all the services offered and organising their routes basing on website cultural and entertainment proposals.

During the press release held in Quelimane on 22nd of November, the Director of Culture and Tourism office in Zambezia affirmed at media microphones that “Zambezia, with its special National Reserve, its breath-taking panoramas and its homey communities, is ready to open the door to the world, with a unique eco-tourism experience. Visit Zambezia is a precious tool, developed with the joint work of the Provincial Direction and COSV operators, thanks to European Union support, that will allow us to re-launch Zambezia on international tourism scene”.
COSV coordinator continued affirming “Visit Zambezia propose an intense and genuine eco-tourism experience, far from stereotypical touristic package of luxury hotels and dreamy pools. Our platform asks to the users to become part of our project, discovering local communities, new cultures, new ways of reconnecting ourselves with nature”.

It is no coincidence that the General Assembly of the United Nations declared 2017 the “International Year of Sustainable Tourism to Development”, to aware on environment protection ant to enhance developing countries’ economies.
Visit Zambezia aims at creating awareness through nature and culture respect, letting sustainable tourism becoming the voice of a real and long-lasting development, reminding to everybody that environmental protection has to go hand in hand with growth and social equality.